防火吸音软包采用特制的高密度,高平整度的防火阻燃吸音棉,外包防火处理的防火B1级吸音布艺或皮革等制做而成(整体成品达到国家防火GB8624 2012 B1级要求),常用边角:方角、斜角、大斜角供客户选择。其常用规格:200X600X25mm、1200X600X50mm、600X600X25mm、600X600X50mm、600X800X25mm、600X800X50mm等各种规格;或客户自己提供规格订做生产加工。
Fire sound-absorbing soft surface there are many kinds of color and pattern of the surface decoration cloth for customers to choose, but also by the customer to provide their own decorative cloth. And according to acoustic decoration or owner's request, adjust the surface cloth material. In addition, the product has high sound absorption spectrum, and has better sound absorption effect for low, medium and high frequency noise. And it has the characteristics of no burning, fire prevention, no dust pollution, strong decoration and simple construction.